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Skjoldehamn Cowl Bjorn Grey

Skjoldehamn Cowl Bjorn Grey

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  • Made by Burgschneider
The Skjoldehamn Cowl was discovered in a pagan grave from the first half of the 11th century. This is one of the first examples of the headgear \"Gugel\" itself.

The hood has a basic square shape, characteristically the wide brim ends with a corner on the chest.

The grave find from Skjoldehamn raised many questions since its recovery in 1936 and still occupies today. According to current research, the dating of the pagan grave in the marshland is the first half of the 11th century. The hood of the gugel from Skjoldehamn has a simple square basic shape and a very wide brim, which does not fall round, but with a corner on the chest. This gugel is also a very early example of the type of headgear that became a ubiquitous garment in Europe during the Middle Ages.

In the course of research, attempts were made to assign the garment to a gender and cultural group. For this purpose, not only the DNA of the buried person was examined more closely, but also the additional finds. The enclosed trousers determined the theory of the researchers that the person must have been male. DNA examination in 1999 showed no Y chromosome present in the bones, which supported the theory that it had to be a woman instead. However, this methodology is considered outdated.

The question of culture points to Norway. This is assumed by ornamentation and morphological features, which suggest that the buried person was a Sami tribal member. Further research is needed, as some key evidence for these hypotheses is still lacking. More modern DNA analysis and research into the history of the fashions of the various Sami groups will shed light on this.


Blazer (74% wool, 15% polyester, 7% polyamids, 4% misc. natural fibres)



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Size guides

Sizes for women in relation to the body measurements

  34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
Shoulder length (cm) 12 12 13 13 14 14
Arm´s length (cm) 59 59-60 60-61 61 61-62 62
Bust size (cm) 78-81 82-89 90-97 98-107 108-119 120-125
Waist size (cm) 62-64 65-72 73-81 82-90 91-102 103-108
Hip size (cm) 85-89 90-97 98-104 105-112 113-122 123-128
Trouser length (cm) 104 105-106 107-108 109-110 111-112 113

 The given sizes relate to the German sizes.


Sizes for men in relation to the body measurements

  44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62
Chest measurement (cm) 86-93 94-101 102-109 110-117 118-125
Waist size (cm) 74-81 82-89 90-99 100-109 110-119
Backside circumerence (cm) 90-97 98-105 106-113 114-121 122-129
Body height (cm) 166-173 171-179 177-184 182-188 185-191

 The given sizes relate to the German sizes.


Epic Armoury Size Guide

Attention: This Size Guide enfolds the measurements for Epic Armoury products only.

For Example: A person with an height of 175cm and chest perimeter of 98cm usually should choose size medium for tops.
If either heigth or chest measurements are slightly over/under those values the next-bigger/next-smaller size is best suited.

Shirts, tunics and capes
 Measures  Epic Armoury Size
Height Chest  
  122  64 6-8 Years
  134  70 8-10 Years
  145  74 X Small
  160  88 Small
  175  98 Medium
  180  108  Large
  187  120  X Large
  194  139  XX Large
  200  152  3XL
 >205  >158  4XL


Pants and Skirts
 Measures  Epic Armoury Size
 Length Hip  
 70  68 6-8 Years
 80  74 8-10 Years
 90   80 X Small
 100   92 Small
 106   102 Medium
 113   112  Large
 117   125  X Large
 122   144  XX Large
 134   158  3XL
 >147 >165  4XL